Is Illegal Subletting Putting Your Property At Risk?

The last few years have seen explosive growth in illegal subletting, with the main driver being the increasingly mainstream adoption of short term rental sites like Airbnb and its ilk, while disrupting the entire hotel industry, are also impacting hosts (people that rent or sublet their home through the rental sites), their guests, other tenants in the building, property managers, and, in some cases, even entire cities – cities where housing crises are made more acute with housing stock taken off the market and converted into unregulated hotels.


I Found My Tenant Subletting – What Next?

So you just discovered one of your tenants is subletting, be it through HOA, other tenants, or from an alert from our service. There are a number of potential next steps – depending on how much of a nuisance and liability is posed. These next steps range from taking down the listing, discussing with the tenant, or taking legal action to stop the behavior, possibly leading to an eviction.


How to Take Down An Airbnb Listing

Airbnb has a fairly large support team, which includes the Trust and Safety team. The team’s main duty is to protect both listing owners and guests, but they also handle cases such as these, where tenants have illegal listings in violation of their lease agreement. While Airbnb doesn’t have a strict set of rules for how to deal with illegal listings, here’s how the process works and a few tricks you can use to speed the process up when you want to take down an Airbnb listing.
